Restylane + Perlane™
Restylane® is both a safe and natural cosmetic dermal filler that restores volume and fullness to the skin to correct moderate to severe facial wrinkles, folds and volume loss to lower eyelids. Restylane® treatments last up to six months or even longer. In the last decade, Restylane® has been used safely in over a million treatments in over 60 countries to correct a variety of facial wrinkles and to enhance the appearances and fullness of lips.
Photo provided by Medicis®
OFFICE CLOSED as of 10/1/24Dr. Zeph is retired after 38 years!
“A doctor's office not to dread, and all of our surgeries were on the head. Dr. Zeph quietly and carefully uses his skill, and does nothing against your will. He explains everything in detail, so you fully understand and not grow pale. ”– Harold and Billie F.