DOT Laser Resurfacing

Zeph Cosmetic Surgery  offers the “DOT” laser (Dermal Optical Thermolysis), an  innovation in CO2 laser technology. The DOT technology offers results approaching those of traditional CO2 laser resurfacing, but with complete recovery within one week. This is becoming the treatment of choice for reversing the effects of aging on the skin.

Where can the DOT be used?

The DOT can be used on many areas of the body, including the face, eyelids, hands, neck, and decollete. In addition to areas of loose skin, wrinkled skin or crepey skin, the DOT provides excellent results when used for acne scars and treatment of pigmentation problems.

How does the DOT work?

The DOT laser penetrates into the upper layer of the dermis, which is the supporting layer of the skin and contains most of the skin’s collagen. The DOT targets water in these tissues, resulting in tissue ablation inside the dot. Each dot is surrounded by a zone of thermal tissue damage formed by the laser. The thermal damage is responsible for the superior results seen with CO2 lasers.

How does the DOT achieve shorter recovery time than other CO2 ablation techniques?

Previous CO2 ablative treatments removed the entire skin surface. This required the skin to heal from below – a somewhat painful process. Because the DOT leaves islands of intact skin around each dot, the treated skin heals quickly from this surrounding tissue. This is one of the primary differences between the DOT and previous laser treatments and is responsible for a drastically shorter recover time associated with the DOT treatment.

What are the results of the DOT treatment?

Collagen shrinks as a result of thermal damage resultings in some immediate skin tightening. Further improvements in skin tightness and collagen density occur as a result of collagen remodeling and begin about 30 days after the treatment. Improvements continue for up to one year.

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